Purchasing a car is stressful for any individual, even those with exemplary credit. So, as you can imagine, purchasing a vehicle thinking that you are going to struggle for approval for financing may seem undesirable to say the least. Maybe you’re under the impression that you will struggle to secure financing for a new vehicle […]
Category: Bad Credit
The Buy Here Pay Here Philosophy
It is an all too common story. You have found that perfect vehicle you know will meet all of your needs. More importantly, you are sure it will deliver the exact driving experience you want cruising down the road. The hitch? How are you going to afford it?This is the challenge many potential vehicle owners […]
How the Internet Helps Car-Buyers with Bad Credit
It would make buying a new car or truck a lot easier if everyone had access to the same kinds of loans and financing options for getting a new vehicle as everyone else. For better or worse, however, that’s not the case, and some folks find themselves shopping for a new car, truck, or SUV […]
Bad Credit Car Dealerships And You
Sometimes, bad things happen to good people. You have an unfortunate life incident and your credit takes a hit. It is in a regrettable fact of life that many of us have or will eventually face. And all too often, we don’t realize how badly these situations can affect our credit. Even still, life has […]
Credit-Challenged? Break the Cycle of Bad Decisions
Buying a new (or new-to-you) vehicle can be both exciting and daunting. Only after some level of introspection and thoughtful consideration, should anyone embark on such a purchase. This is because, next to purchase of a home, vehicles purchase are often the most significant investments that many of us make in our lifetime. While a […]
Bad Credit/ Car Loan vs. Buy Here Pay Here Lots
Bad credit? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one struggling. But you do have to decide between either pursuing a car loan or simply going to a buy here pay here dealer for in-house financing. Both sides have their ups and downs, but if your credit is bad, chances are you’ll have a hard time getting […]
Ever Wonder What Credit Score you Need for a Car Loan?
With 2017 finally here, it’s time to reflect. Not on the holiday season that was full of stress, joy, and mixed feelings about the well-being of any pain-in-the-ass relatives that came to visit. I’m talking about credit scores, and what the beginning of 2017 is going to look like for car buyers. With the year […]